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Evaluation the Extent to which Families Participate in the Early Language Intervention Programs for Children with Intellectual Disabilities: from the Families¡¯ Perspective


Raghda Amin Batawi and Derar Mohammed Alqudah


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 757-763


The current study aimed to evaluate the extent to which families participate in the early language intervention programs for children with intellectual disabilities from the families¡¯ perspective. To collect the data for the study, the researchers designed a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to the study sample which consisted of (256) families in the city of Mecca al-Mukarramah. The findings of the study indicated an average level of family participation. The findings have also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in terms of the families¡¯ participation in the early language intervention programs for children with intellectual disabilities due to the gender variable, except for the dimension of (the forms of family participation, mechanisms of activating family participation, in the total degree) which came in favor of females. Further, the findings concluded that there were no statistically significant differences due to the variables of educational qualification and economic level. Finally, the study concluded that there were no statistically significant differences attributable to the variable of age, except for the dimension of (the forms of families¡¯ participation and the mechanisms of activating family participation in early language intervention programs) in favor of participants who are (less than 25 years) and (46 years and over), and in the total degree and in favor of (46 years and above).


Family participation, Language early intervention programs, Intellectual disability, Early intervention.