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Tourism Group Recommender System


Amani Al-Ajlan, Sarah Alabdulwahab, Lulwa Aljeraisy, Asmaa Althakafi, and Rand Alhassoun


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 637-644


Tourism planning is important for both tourists and citizens. Tourists usually go in groups of either families or friends, and each individual has different preferences. Group recommender systems are useful in this case, which provide recommendations after analyzing the entire group¡¯s preferences. Group recommender systems help tourists to decide on a destination, plan their trip better, save time and effort, therefore, solving the choice overload problem. In this study, we develop Saha, an Arabic mobile group recommender system, which provides suitable attraction sites according to the individual tourist or a group of tourists¡¯ interests and preferences. Saha recommends attraction sites, such as historical sites, natural sites, and entertainment sites in various cities of Saudi Arabia based on preferences or interests that the tourists have specified. Additionally, Saha allows tourists to review and rate sites and to keep a list of favorite sites. The recommender system uses content-based filtering techniques to generate user-based recommendations. Our goal is to enhance a group of tourists¡¯ experiences by suggesting the most suitable attraction sites based on their interests.


Recommender System; Group Recommender System; Content-based Filtering; Mobile Application.