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Information Technologies as an Incentive to Develop the Creative Potential of the Educational Process
Vdovychenko Natalia, Kukorenchuk Volodymyr, Ponomarenko Alina, Honcharenko Mykola, Stranadko Eduard
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 408-416
The new millennium is characterized by an unprecedented breakthrough in knowledge and information and communication technologies, and the challenges of the XXI century require modernized paradigms of interaction in all spheres of life. Education continues to play a key role in national and global growth. The key role of education and its leadership in developing creative potential, as the main paradigm of the countries’ stability, have significantly influenced educational centers. The developers of educational programs use information technologies as an incentive to develop creative potential of educational process. Professional training of the educational candidate is enhanced by the use of information technologies, so the educational applicants should develop technological skills to be productive members of society. Using the latest achievements in the field of information technologies for the organization of the educational process helps to form the operational style of education applicants’ thinking, which provides the ability to acquire skills of processing information, that is presented in the text, graphic, tabular form, and increase the level of general and informational culture necessary for better orientation in the modern information space. The purpose of the research is to determine the effectiveness of information technologies as an incentive to develop creative potential of educational process on the basis of the survey, to establish advantages and ability to provide high-quality education in the context of using information technologies. Methods of research: comparative analysis; systematization; generalization, survey.
information technologies, incentive, development, creative potential, educational process, students