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Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning


Inessa Viznyuk, Nataliia Rokosovyk, Oksana Vytrykhovska, Alla Paslawska, Olena Bielikova, Iryna Radziievska


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 209-216


The modern development of higher education in Ukraine is the result of two main factors. One of them - the factor of social progress - reflects the transformations inherent in modern Ukrainian society. These include, first of all, the processes of democratization and the development of civic responsibility. European the choice of Ukraine, the integration of our state into the European space determine accordingly, the second factor influencing the development of domestic higher education - the trends that guide the progress of the European Higher Education Area (European Higher Education Area (hereinafter - EHEA) and the European Research Area Research Area, hereinafter - ERA). The strategy of information support of the educational process (approved by the European Commission in 2010) recognizes the leading role of higher education as a driver of social progress, accordingly states the priority - the development of free economic education and identifies indicators of such progress - the achievement and international attractiveness of European free economic education. The information support of modernization challenges in higher education are aimed at the educational process, the leadership position of students, in particular through promotion and implementation of leading achievements and best practices in the context of globalization.


information support, distance learning, leader, leadership qualities, formation of leadership qualities of students, higher education applicants, pedagogical conditions.