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Anglicisms in the Field of Information Technology: Analysis of Linguistic Features
Plechko Antonina, Chukhno Tetiana, Nikolaieva Tetiana, Apolonova Liliia, Leleka Tetiana
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 183-192
The role that English currently plays is undeniable. It has become the most common means of communication among native speakers of several languages around the world. English penetrates into all areas of people's daily lives. In the field of Information Technology (IT), English has taken a dominant position, as many of the terms used on a daily basis are written in English. The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguistic features of anglicisms in the field of Information Technology. Methods. The research is based on systematic and comparative analysis, dialectical method, as well as methods of classification and generalization. Results. This study presents the results of compiling a multilingual glossary with anglicisms used in the GitHub and 3D Slicer fields. Despite the limited number of terms included in the glossary, the article provides a lot of evidence for the influence of the English language in the areas of Information Technology, GitHub and 3D Slicer under consideration. The types of anglicisms used in the 3D Slicer area seem to be more diverse than in the GitHub area. This study found that five European languages use language strategies to solve any communication problem. The multilingual glossary showed that in some cases there is a coexistence between Anglicism and the native term. In other cases, the English term is the only one used in different languages. There are cases when only the native language is used. Conclusions. This study is a useful tool that helps to improve the efficiency of communication between engineers and technicians who speak different native languages. The ultimate goal of this research will be to create a multilingual glossary that is still under development and is likely to cover other IT areas such as Python and VTK.
Anglicisms, information technology, linguistics, GitHub, 3D Slicer