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Pre-service Special Education Teachers¡¯ Knowledge and Perceptions of Using Computer Technology in Teaching from PST Perspectives


Mohammed M. Alhwaiti


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 169-174


The study aims to discover the scope of pre-service special education teachers¡¯ knowledge and perceptions of using computer technology in teaching students with disabilities from a pre-service teacher (PST) perspective in light of the gender and sub-major variables. The sample consisted of 84 MEd students/pre-service teachers at the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Umm Al-Qura University. The descriptive analytical approach is used due to its relevance to the study. A survey consisting of the participant¡¯s basic information section and 12 statements was sent to a set of pre-service teachers. Findings showed that pre-service special education teachers had an overall high knowledge of using computer technology (M=3.93). Findings also indicated that there were no gender- or major-related statistically significant differences (¥á = 0.05), in pre-service special education students¡¯ knowledge and perceptions of using computer technology.


pre-service special education teachers, computer technology, students with disabilities.