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Energy Efficient Clustering based Bio-Inspired MST Routing Protocol (EECMSTR)


Kanu Patel, Dr. Hardik Modi


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 701-709


In wireless sensor network (WSN), Energy consumption in network is highly immerses area for the researcher. For monitoring and communication in network require the power and entire sensors node operated through battery. Number of research carried out for designing energy efficient protocol for wsn. Our proposed protocols also reduce the power consumption in network through three different levels. First one is forming the highly correlated sensor node forms a cluster than second is selection of cluster head through multi-criteria decision making approach and third is intra and inter-cluster communication of data routing through minimum spanning tree. In this paper, we implemented proposed Energy efficient clustering based bio-inspired MST routing protocol in MATLAB simulator. The simulation carried out with certain parameters like network size, no of nodes, no of cluster, packet size and many more. We also implemented proposed protocol through hardware. The simulation result shows that the proposed protocol (EECMSTR) performed batter than traditional protocols like LEACH, HEED and EECRP in terms of energy consumption, throughput, network lifetime, packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, bit error rate and jitter.


WSN, Power consumption, k-mean Clustering, Minimum spanning tree, EECMSTR