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Ecological and Psychological Features of the Play Space Organization of Students with Using a Computer Technologies


Oksana Bondar, Anna Polishchuk, Alla Tymchenko, Inna Kulish, Iryna Zabiiaka, Ganna Plakhotniuk


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 525-534


The article shows the ways of application of computer technologies, especially, slide presentations in the process of teaching students that can be ecologically educated and have the following advantages: the implementation of polysensory perception of the material; the ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and a screen in a magnified view; an audio, a video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information received by children from the literature, as well is activation of visual functions, visual capabilities of the student. Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use to display information in the form of large print on a printer as a handout for classes with students. It is noted that the computer, as a tool for information processing, can serve as a powerful technical tool for learning and play the role of an indispensable assistant in the training of students. It is noted that the tasks of modern educators are: constant introduction into the educational process of various teaching methods that comprehensively intensify the activities of students, reconciling education with life and practice; improvement of forms of education, which are aimed it mastering specific types of subject activities and the formation of educational worldview. For high-quality training, children must acquire thorough basic knowledge, practical skills that would allow is practice not only to improve the conditions and productivity of their development, but also to prevent the possibility of disease, injury, gambling etc.


ecological education, play space, high educational institution, means of computer technologies, culture of life safety.