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Investigating the Enabling Factors That Influence Online Shoppers When Adopting Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA): Case of Saudi¡¯s users.


Shahid Abed and Dr.Riyad Salih Almakki


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 443-454


With Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPAs) integration in smartphones and tablets, population increase, and industrial growth, using IPA has the opportunity of becoming popular in Saudi Arabia. There are scientific reviews that explain its significant impact and possible opportunities when adopting IPAs in the e-commerce area. This technology may better understand the needs of the users. However, few scholarly studies focused on evaluating the usage of IPAs for online shopping and there is a lack of information about the users¡¯ needs. Additionally, there are no studies relating to the adoption and usability of the IPA regarding Saudi Arabia users. For those reasons, this research aims to understand Saudi online shoppers¡¯ needs when adopting IPA for online shopping by examining enabling factors impacting IPA adoption. The study modified the UTAUT model to develop assumptions and used a user experience evaluation as a method to test the hypothesis. The data captured using a questionnaire and been analyzed statically using SEM and MMR. The results show the performance expectancy is the most significant factor, followed by the visual attractiveness. The performance expectancy is enhanced by the information relevance and perceived security factors. However, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have no significant influence on the behavioral intention to adopt an IPA for e-shopping in Saudi Arabia.


Intelligent Personal Assistant, IPA, UTAUT, SEM, e-commerce, AI, HCI, Virtual assistants, User Experience.