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A Systematic Mapping Study on Artificial Intelligence Tools Used in Video Editing


Igor Bieda and Taras Panchenko


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 312-318


From the past two eras, artificial intelligence has gained the attention of researchers of all research areas. Video editing is a task in the list that starts leveraging the blessing of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Since AI promises to make technology better use of human life although video editing technology is not new yet it is adopting new technologies like AI to become more powerful and sophisticated for video editors as well as users. Like other technologies, video editing will also be facilitated by the majestic power of AI in near future. There has been a lot of research that uses AI in video editing, yet there is no comprehensive literature review that systematically finds all of this work on one page so that new researchers can find research gaps in that area. In this research we conducted a statically approach called, systematic mapping study, to find answers to pre-proposed research questions. The aim and objective of this research are to find research gaps in our topic under discussion.


video editing, artificial intelligence, systematic mapping study.