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Study of Pedagogical Practice and Teaching Experience in European Countries


Mykhailo Poplavskyi


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 252-258


Globalization, development of the information society, intensification of migration processes, and internationalization of education in recent years have significantly affected the international labour market and increased competition between professionals in various fields. Academic, research and teaching staff are currently facing rapid changes and growing demand for quality educational services. Under such conditions, educational institutions around the world pay particular attention to improving the quality of the educational process in order for their graduates to be able to compete in the international labour market. The study of the experience of teachers¡¯ professional training in advanced countries opens new opportunities for improving the system of pedagogical training in Ukraine in order to adapt it to the requirements of the European educational space. The progressive achievements of countries demonstrating a high level of teachers¡¯ professional training in accordance with international standards, having rich historical educational traditions are of considerable scientific interest; consequently, this contributes to their leadership in science and education at the regional and global levels. The purpose of the present academic paper lies in analysing the latest trends in exploring teaching experience in the European countries and performance review of passing by students and teachers of the program on studying of pedagogical practice and experience of teaching in the countries of Europe. Methodology. Analytical and empirical (questionnaire) methods were used in the research process. Results. According to the obtained results of the research, the advantages, the most common areas of educational programs and the wishes of the participants regarding the practical implementation of the experience were identified.


teaching experience, educational strategy, pedagogical practice of European countries, organization of the educational process, experience of teachers¡¯ professional training..