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An Empirical Investigation of Vendor Readiness to Assess Offshore Software Maintenance Outsourcing Project
Atif Ikram, Masita Abdul Jalil, Amir Bin Ngah, Ahmad Salman Khan , Yasir Mahmood
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 229-235
The process of correcting, upgrading, and improving software products after they have been handed over to the consumer is known as software maintenance. Offshore software maintenance outsourcing (OSMO) clients benefit from cost savings, time savings, and improved quality software through OSMO. In most circumstances, the OSMO vendor makes a lot of money but not in all the cases. Especially, when the OSMO project offer is not properly assessed. An efficient outsourcing contract might yield successful outcomes for outsourced projects. But before sending a detailed proposal to bid on the OSMO project the vendor must have to assess the client's project (business offer) requirements. The purpose of this study is to find out common trends within the assessment of a OSMO project. A case study approach along with semi-structured interviews from eight companies concluded ten common practices and several roles. Among these practices, four (code structure, requirements, communication barriers and required infrastructure) were consistent amongst the responses .The findings, limitations and future work are discussed.
An empirical study, Client project assessment, Offshore software maintenance outsourcing, Software risk, Software Practices.