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Toward Energy-Efficient Task Offloading Schemes in Fog Computing: A Survey


Moteb K. Alasmari Sami S. Alwakeel, Yousef Alohali


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 163-172


The interconnection of an enormous number of devices into the Internet at a massive scale is a consequence of the Internet of Things (IoT). As a result, tasks offloading from these IoT devices to remote cloud data centers become expensive and inefficient as their number and amount of its emitted data increase exponentially. It is also a challenge to optimize IoT device energy consumption while meeting its application time deadline and data delivery constraints. Consequently, Fog Computing was proposed to support efficient IoT tasks processing as it has a feature of lower service delay, being adjacent to IoT nodes. However, cloud task offloading is still performed frequently as Fog computing has less resources compared to remote cloud. Thus, optimized schemes are required to correctly characterize and distribute IoT devices tasks offloading in a hybrid IoT, Fog, and cloud paradigm. In this paper, we present a detailed survey and classification of of recently published research articles that address the energy efficiency of task offloading schemes in IoT-Fog-Cloud paradigm. Moreover, we also developed a taxonomy for the classification of these schemes and provided a comparative study of different schemes: by identifying achieved advantage and disadvantage of each scheme, as well its related drawbacks and limitations. Moreover, we also state open research issues in the development of energy efficient, scalable, optimized task offloading schemes for Fog computing.


Internet of things, Fog computing, energy efficiency, task offloading scheme