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Experiences of Special Education Teachers in Dealing with Behavioral Problems Presented by Students with Disabilities


Mohammed M. Alhwaiti


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 129-134


The primary goal of any classroom is effective teaching and student learning, with an emphasis on changing negative students' behaviors into positive ones. This change can occur when students' behavior is always at the forefront of teachers' educational goals. The current study aimed to reveal the experiences of special education teachers in dealing with the behavioral problems that students with disabilities show by identifying behavioral problems among students with disabilities and investigating the efficacy of the application of behavior modification plans and strategies designed to address the behavioral problems presented by students with disabilities. The researcher used a qualitative phenomenological approach, and the study tool consisted of semi-structured interviews that consisted of (13) questions directed to (10) special education male and female teachers who work in special education centres and institutes. The data were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The findings of the study showed that the most undesirable behaviors prevalent among students with disabilities in the classroom were aggression, bullying and ADHD. The actions taken by teachers in confronting these behaviors were not systematic and were carried out randomly, as no behavior modification plans were applied. The most important strategies used by teachers in facing behavioral problems were applied behavioral analysis (ABA) strategies such as reinforcement, punishment and ignoring. The results have many important implications for future practice, including the need to conduct practical training courses for special education teachers to implement behavior modification plans and develop methods of measuring inappropriate behavior.


Special education teachers, Behavioral problems, Children with disabilities.