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Tools for Improving the Efficiency of the Economic Security of Enterprises in Face of the Competitiveness Intensification


Anatolii M. Turylo, Vitalii Sharko, Iryna Fesun, Viktoriya Stadnyk, Nadiia Andrusenko


Vol. 22  No. 3  pp. 53-60


The article examines the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the economic security system in the face of increasing competition. The relevance of the study is determined by the intensification of competition between enterprises and the threats arising from this phenomenon. The methodological basis is the methods used: analysis and synthesis - to identify the main trends in the development of tools for economic security of the enterprise; systematization - to highlight the main characteristics of the economic security of the enterprise in the intensification of competition; generalization - to form the general conclusions of the study. The purpose of scientific research is to substantiate the feasibility of using the tools of the economic security system to increase its efficiency in the face of intensifying competition. The main components of the economic security system of the enterprise, which have the greatest impact on the formation of an effective level of economic security. The defining characteristics of the system of economic security of the enterprise are investigated. Special characteristics of the economic security system of the enterprise are considered. The offered directions of tools of maintenance of system of economic safety of the enterprise in competitive conditions: objective, subjective external, subjective internal. For each area, specific tools for ensuring the system of economic security, which affect its efficiency, have been identified.


economic security, economic security system of the enterprise, efficiency, competition, market environment, economic security management, tools of the system of economic security of the enterprise.