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Accuracy of Phishing Websites Detection Algorithms by Using Three Ranking Techniques


Badiea Abdulkarem Mohammed and Zeyad Ghaleb Al-Mekhlafi


Vol. 22  No. 2  pp. 272-282


Between 2014 and 2019, the US lost more than 2.1 billion USD to phishing attacks, according to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, and COVID-19 scam complaints totaled more than 1,200. Phishing attacks reflect these awful effects. Phishing websites (PWs) detection appear in the literature. Previous methods included maintaining a centralized blacklist that is manually updated, but newly created pseudonyms cannot be detected. Several recent studies utilized supervised machine learning (SML) algorithms and schemes to manipulate the PWs detection problem. URL extraction-based algorithms and schemes. These studies demonstrate that some classification algorithms are more effective on different data sets. However, for the phishing site detection problem, no widely known classifier has been developed. This study is aimed at identifying the features and schemes of SML that work best in the face of PWs across all publicly available phishing data sets. The Scikit Learn library has eight widely used classification algorithms configured for assessment on the public phishing datasets. Eight was tested. Later, classification algorithms were used to measure accuracy on three different datasets for statistically significant differences, along with the Welch t-test. Assemblies and neural networks outclass classical algorithms in this study. On three publicly accessible phishing datasets, eight traditional SML algorithms were evaluated, and the results were calculated in terms of classification accuracy and classifier ranking as shown in tables 4 and 8. Eventually, on severely unbalanced datasets, classifiers that obtained higher than 99.0 percent classification accuracy. Finally, the results show that this could also be adapted and outperforms conventional techniques with good precision.


Phishing websites; Supervised machine learning; Scikit Learn library; Deep learning; Classifiers