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Evolutionary Computing Driven Extreme Learning Machine for Objected Oriented Software Aging Prediction


Shahanawaj Ahamad


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 781--78


To fulfill user expectations, the rapid evolution of software techniques and approaches has necessitated reliable and flawless software operations. Aging prediction in the software under operation is becoming a basic and unavoidable requirement for ensuring the systems¡¯ availability, reliability, and operations. In this paper, an improved evolutionary computing-driven extreme learning scheme (ECD-ELM) has been suggested for object-oriented software aging prediction. To perform aging prediction, we employed a variety of metrics, including program size, McCube complexity metrics, Halstead metrics, runtime failure event metrics, and some unique aging-related metrics (ARM). In our suggested paradigm, extracting OOP software metrics is done after pre-processing, which includes outlier detection and normalization. This technique improved our proposed system's ability to deal with instances with unbalanced biases and metrics. Further, different dimensional reduction and feature selection algorithms such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and T-Test analysis have been applied. We have suggested a single hidden layer multi-feed forward neural network (SL-MFNN) based ELM, where an adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) has been applied to estimate the weight and bias parameters for ELM learning. Unlike the traditional neural networks model, the implementation of GA-based ELM with LDA feature selection has outperformed other aging prediction approaches in terms of prediction accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure. The results affirm that the implementation of outlier detection, normalization of imbalanced metrics, LDA-based feature selection, and GA-based ELM can be the reliable solution for object-oriented software aging prediction.


Software Aging Prediction; Extreme Learning Machine; Genetic Algorithm; Software Metrics, Object-oriented Software