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Development of a Database of Jesus¡¯ Statements and their Artificial Intelligence(AI) applications Based on Personality Layer Mechanism


Taishi Nemoto and Takayuki Fujimoto


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 546-554


In recent years, research on artificial intelligence (AI) has been conducted all over the world. With the rise of deep learning, AI research is attracting global attention. It is pervasive in all sorts of fields, including industry, medicine, education, and entertainment. On the other hand, despite of the prevalence, AI is said by some to have great difficulty in expressing human-like qualities. This is symbolized by the ""uncanny valley phenomenon¡± and the ¡®Alexa voice data collection problem¡¯. It is clear that even models that mimic the neurons of the human brain and complex computational processes have much difficulty in reproducing human nature. Therefore, in this research, we examine the development of a system in which the user feels ¡®humanness.¡¯ Specifically, we build a personality database based on the real people¡¯s statements, and then develop chatbots equipped with their personality characteristics. This time, we focus on Jesus Christ, who lived and died in history, as a case study and build a database of his personality. We selected him out of few prominent figures from the past whose public statements have survived to the present. All of his statements will be categorized by intended audience, purpose, and means to create a database and analyze his statements to represent his personality. Through thorough observation and input, we aim to design a system that makes users find more ¡®hu-man¡¯ rather than unnatural qualities, which is autonomously output by machine learning and deep learning. In short, the idea is to mimic and reproduce authentic ¡®hu-man¡¯ personalities based on modeled human speech data: natural language. This research proposes a new method to reproduce such humanness and personality.


Jesus Christ, Bible Media Informatics, Database, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Personality, Online Communication.