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Evolutionary Theory Of Management In Education


Olena Moskalenko-Vysotska, Emiliia Melnyk, Serhii Tovstenko-Zabelin, Svitlana Lehka, Maryna Didenko, Kostiantyn Hrubych


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 312-318


The article notes that one of the reasons for the crisis in education was the sharp discrepancy between the emerging new forms and content and the model of macro-management that has developed over the decades. The level of management of the educational system did not emerge as a specific activity characterized by its own mechanisms and processes, just as qualified carriers of this activity - professionals - managers - did not appear. At the same time, there is practically no theoretical and methodological model of the macrolevel of education management, that is, management of the educational system as an integral structure.


organization system, management decisions, modeling, production systems , philosophy of management.