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Information and Communication Technologies for the Innovative Development of Tourism Training in the Context of COVID-19


Oksana Krupa, Vladimir Panchenko, Iryna Dydiv, Yuliia Borutska, Nataliia Shcherbatiuk


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 262-268


The main purpose of the study is to determine information and communication technologies for the innovative development of tourism training in higher education institutions in the context of COVID-19. Innovative development is associated with the rejection of well-known cliches, stereotypes in teaching, upbringing and personal development, creates new standards for personal-creative, individually directed tourism activities, develops pedagogical technologies implemented in this activity. As a result, the main aspects of information and communication technologies for the innovative development of tourist training in higher education institutions in the context of COVID-19 were characterized.


Information and Communication Technology, Tourism Training, Educational Institutions, COVID-19.