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Use Of Interactive Internet Services In Education


Olena Moskalenko-Vysotska, Emiliia Melnyk, Serhii Tovstenko-Zabelin, Svitlana Lehka, Maryna Didenko, Kostiantyn Hrubych


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 218-224


The article describes the concept of a Web-portal of an educational institution; the technical conditions for the creation of the Web-portal of the educational institution were determined; the features of the use of the Web-portal in the educational process and its organization are revealed. The scientific and practical value of the article lies in the fact that the use of portals in education will improve the management of an educational institution, activate and bring the educational process to the level of modern technologies at all its stages, as well as enhance the interaction of parents and students with employees of the educational institution.


higher education, competencies, education system, information competence, philosophy of management.