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Features of the Use of Computer Telecommunications
In Education: Development Prospects
Vitalii Honcharuk, Mykhailo Sherman, Serhii Tumasov, Oleksii Shevchuk, Liliia Yeremenko, Vitalii Zaporozhchenko
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 213-217
In the article, in connection with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were formulated:
Based on the analysis of literature and existing pedagogical experience, the possibilities, features and pedagogical conditions for the use of educational telecommunication projects were specified.
The selection of topics and content of educational telecommunication projects for use has been carried out.
Research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, projects of educational standards in computer science and information technology, study of the state of the problem in teaching practice, questioning.
Education; Qualities; computer; Professional Education; Technologization, telecommunications.