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Implementing Open Science Technology in Educational Activities of the UNESCO Centre, ¡°Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine¡±


Halyna Kuzmenko, Ivan Bratus, Oksana Kovalova, Maksym Halchenko


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 183-188


This paper explores the opportunities for scholarly publishing as part of the educational activities of the system of extracurricular research and experimental education, UNESCO Category 2 Centre, ¡°Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine¡± (hereinafter referred to as the JASU), using Open Journal Systems (hereinafter referred to as OJS) publishing platform. The purpose of the study was to identify and select a publishing model and substantiate the procedures for the launch of an OJS-based open-access student scholarly e-journal with a view of improving scholarly communication between gifted children from Ukraine and other countries.


open access; scholarly communication; UNESCO Centre, ¡°Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; gifted students; Open Journal Systems.