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Simulation Study for a UV Water Disinfection Unit Powered by a Photovoltaic System


Sa?d Riahi, Abdelkader Mami, and Viorel M?nzu


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 175-182


This work presents a simulation model for a specific UV disinfection system (UVDS) powered by a Photovoltaic System. The global UVDS also includes the electronic converters, Electronic Ballast, UV Lamp and Motor Pump. The equations that model the physical components' behaviour are connected to obtain a dynamic global model. The latter is converted in a Simulink/Matlab model, which allows to carry out simulation series concerning the entire UVDS. The physical parameters: the irradiation G and the temperature T, are considered as inputs. series of measurements carried out in order to show how these parameters affect the current, the voltage of the PVs and especially the value of the current of the UV lamp, on the other hand a study on the behavior and the evolution of the parameters of the motor pump such as the armature current, motor torque, speed of rotation and the water flow. The purpose of all this is to realize how important are the two parameters concerning the lamp current and the water flow because they are two very important factors to keep an adequate water quality.


dynamic model, converters, photovoltaic system, simulation, UV disinfection system.