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Corruption Risks in the System of Providing Economic Security of the State


Vitaliy Pinchuk, Iryna Shaposhnykova, Serhiy Kuvakin, Kateryna Kozak, Liubov Popova, Inna Lopashchuk


Vol. 22  No. 1  pp. 69-76


At the current stage of globalization and European integration of Ukraine, the aspects related to the effective fight against corruption in the system of economic security of our country are receiving more and more attention, as they become a prerequisite for continuing reforms based on international funding. In order to consider this issue and solve this problem, the necessary step is to develop and implement real mechanisms of the system for detecting and preventing corrupt behavior, which are based on international anti-corruption standards. The leading component of this system is the management of corruption risks in the system of economic security in order to identify them and implement measures to reduce them. This study analyzes the corruption perception index in Ukraine in recent years, which showed a positive, albeit somewhat slow dynamics of its growth, indicating a gradual increase in overcoming corruption through the introduction of a number of anti-corruption measures and changes. It is proved that the current stage of socio-economic development of the country contributes to strengthening the processes of combating corruption and preventing corruption risks, creating an effective and efficient anti-corruption system of the state. The concept of ""corruption"" was studied, it was found that in the field of public administration it is considered from different positions and is closely related to the concept of ""corruption risks"". The essence and features of corruption risks are studied, the preconditions of their occurrence are formulated, the relationship between the causes of corruption risks and economic security in the field of public authority has been established. The system of corruption risk management is considered and its components are characterized. It is proposed to increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy through the implementation of measures aimed at investigating the causes of corruption risks, as well as developed effective and effective means of reducing corruption risks within the system of economic security


corruption, corruption risks, economic security, economic security system, antitrust policy, corruption risk management system.