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Optimization of Data Placement using Principal Component Analysis based Pareto-optimal method for Multi-Cloud Storage Environment


V. L. Padma Latha, Dr. N. Sudhakar Reddy, and Dr. A. Suresh Babu


Vol. 21  No. 12  pp. 248-256


Now that we're in the big data era, data has taken on a new significance as the storage capacity has exploded from trillion bytes to petabytes at breakneck pace. As the use of cloud computing expands and becomes more commonly accepted, several businesses and institutions are opting to store their requests and data there. Cloud storage's concept of a nearly infinite storage resource pool makes data storage and access scalable and readily available. The majority of them, on the other hand, favour a single cloud because of the simplicity and inexpensive storage costs it offers in the near run. Cloud-based data storage, on the other hand, has concerns such as vendor lock-in, privacy leakage and unavailability. With geographically dispersed cloud storage providers, multicloud storage can alleviate these dangers. One of the key challenges in this storage system is to arrange user data in a cost-effective and high-availability manner. A multicloud storage architecture is given in this study. Next, a multi-objective optimization problem is defined to minimise total costs and maximise data availability at the same time, which can be solved using a technique based on the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and obtain a set of non-dominated solutions known as the Pareto-optimal set.. When consumers can't pick from the Pareto-optimal set directly, a method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is presented to find the best answer. To sum it all up, thorough tests based on a variety of real-world cloud storage scenarios have proven that the proposed method performs as expected.


Cloud Computing; Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II. Privacy Leakage; Vendor Lock-in; Multi-Cloud; Principal Component Analysis;