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Models of State Clusterisation Management, Marketing and Labour Market Management in Conditions of Globalization, Risk of Bankruptcy and Services Market Development


Oleksii Prokopenko, Olga Martyn, Olha Bilyk, Olga Vivcharuk, Mykola Zos-Kior, Iryna Hnatenko


Vol. 21  No. 12  pp. 228-234


The article defines the problems of forming the models of government regulation of clustering, marketing management and labor market in the context of globalization, business bankruptcy risk and services market development. The clustering models based on the optimal partner network cooperation were proposed in order to ensure the strategic development of territories, to attract budget leading enterprises and to support small businesses. A descriptive model of government regulation of clustering, marketing management and labor market in the context of globalization, business bankruptcy risk and Covid-19 was determined.


labor market, globalization, bankruptcy, institutional environment, business, marketing management