A buffer overflow attack is carried out to subvert privileged program functions to gain control of the program and thus control the host. Buffer overflow attacks should be prevented by risk managers by eradicating and detecting them before the software is utilized. While calculating the size, correct variables should be chosen by risk managers in situations where fixed-length buffers are being used to avoid placing excess data that leads to the creation of an overflow. Metamorphism can also be used as it is capable of protecting data by attaining a reasonable resistance level [1]. In addition, risk management teams should ensure they access the latest updates for their application server products that support the internet infrastructure and the recent bug reports [2]. Scanners that can detect buffer overflows¡¯ flaws in their custom web applications and server products should be used by risk management teams to scan their websites.
This paper presents an experiment of buffer overflow vulnerability and attack. The aims to study of a buffer overflow mechanism, types, and countermeasures. In addition, to comprehend the current detection plus prevention approaches that can be executed to prevent future attacks or mitigate the impacts of similar attacks