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Problems of Distance Learning in Specialists Training in Modern Terms of The Informative Society During COVID-19


Oleksandr Kuchai, Serhii Yakovenko, Tetiana Zorochkina, Tetiana ¬°kolnycha, Iryna Demchenko, Tetiana Kucha?


Vol. 21  No. 12  pp. 143-148


The article considers the training of specialists in education in the conditions of distance learning. It is lights up the advantages of distance learning and determined the characteristic features of distance learning of students training in the implementation of these technologies in the educational process. The article focuses on the main aspects of computerization of studies as a technological breach in methodology, organization and practical realization of educational process and informative culture of a teacher. Information technologies are intensive involved in life of humanity, educational process of schools and higher educational establishments. Intercommunication is examined between the processes of informatization of the society and education.


information technologies, distance learning, education, teachers training, informative culture of teacher.