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Fifteen Deadly Cybersecurity Threats Aimed Covid-19


Abdulellah A. Alaboudi


Vol. 21  No. 12  pp. 123-130


Cybersecurity has been vital for decades and will remain vital with upcoming ages with new technological developments. Every new day brings advancement in technology, which leads to new horizons, and at the same time, it brings new security challenges. Numerous researchers around the globe are continuously striving hard to provide better solutions for the daily basis of new arising security issues. However, the challenges are always there. These challenges become new norms during the current Covid pandemic, where most industries, small industrial enterprises, education, finance, public sectors, etc. were under several attacks and threats globally. The hacker has more opportunities during the pandemic period by shifting most of the operations live. This research enlightened the several cybersecurity attacks and threats during this pandemic time globally. It provided the best possible recommendations to avoid them using the cyber awareness and with appropriately linked training. This research can provide a guideline to the above stated sector by identifying the related attacks.


Cybersecurity, Attacks, Security Threats, Covid-19, Mitigation recommendations.