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A Novel Sensor Data Transferring Method Using Human Data Muling in Delay Insensitive Network
Anas Basalamah
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 12 pp. 21-28
In this paper, a novel data transferring method is introduced that can transmit sensor data without using data bandwidth or an extra-processing cycle in a delay insensitive network. The proposed method uses human devices as Mules, does not disturb the device owner for permission, and saves energy while transferring sensor data to the collection hub in a wireless sensor network. This paper uses IP addressing technique as the data transferring mechanism by embedding the sensor data with the IP address of a Mule. The collection hub uses the ARP sequence method to extract the embedded data from the IP address. The proposed method follows WiFi standard in its every step and ends when data collection is over. Every step of the proposed method is discussed in detail with the help of figures in the paper.
Mule, sensor data, delay insensitive network, ARP sequence, WiFi standard, wireless sensor network.