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Integrated Power Optimization with Battery Friendly Algorithm in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
Tariq Mehmood, Nadeem Naeem, Sajida Parveen
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 11 pp. 338-344
The recently continuous enhancement and development in the biomedical side for the betterment of human life. The Wireless Body Area Networks is a significant tool for the current researcher to design and transfer data with greater data rates among the sensors and sensor nodes for biomedical applications. The core area for research in WBANs is power efficiency, battery-driven devices for health and medical, the Charging limitation is a major and serious problem for the WBANs.this research work is proposed to find out the optimal solution for battery-friendly technology. In this research we have addressed the solution to increasing the battery lifetime with variable data transmission rates from medical equipment as Wireless Endoscopy Capsules, this device will analyze a patient¡¯s inner body gastrointestinal tract by capturing images and visualization at the workstation. The second major issue is that the Wireless Endoscopy Capsule based systems are currently not used for clinical applications due to their low data rate as well as low resolution and limited battery lifetime, in case of these devices are more enhanced in these cases it will be the best solution for the medical applications. The main objective of this research is to power optimization by reducing the power consumption of the battery in the Wireless Endoscopy Capsule to make it battery-friendly. To overcome the problem we have proposed the algorithm for ¡°Battery Friendly Algorithm¡± and we have compared the different frame rates of buffer sizes for Transmissions. The proposed Battery Friendly Algorithm is to send the images on average frame rate instead of transmitting the images on maximum or minimum frame rates. The proposed algorithm extends the battery lifetime in comparison with the previous baseline proposed algorithm as well as increased the battery lifetime of the capsule.
Wireless Body Area Network; Battery Friendly Algorithm; Wireless Capsule Endoscopy