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Satellite Navigation Systems, As The Development Of Digitalization Of The Marine Corridor


Igor Vorokhobin, Igor Burmaka, Oleksandr Ivanov, Sergiy Perepechayev, Ivan Naboka, Maksym Kulakov


Vol. 21  No. 11  pp. 241-247


In the article, an analysis of the factors was carried out, which injected into the efficiency of the function of navigation systems in the minds of unimportance. Carrying out analyzes allowing for the visibility of relevant direct adjustments to the effectiveness of the function Inertial navigation systems in the minds of non-value. The designation of the navigation system was assigned to a complex of navigation systems on ships processing of the vector of navigation parameters, so that they can be victorious in the control systems of the ship's collapse, and the safety of floating is safe.


navigational safety, seafaring safety, navigation, sea.