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The Role of Informal Institutions in the Development of the Financial Services Market


Maksym Dubyna, Olena Panchenko, Olena Bazilinska, Tetyana Donkohlova, Alla Shpomer, Oksana Rudenko


Vol. 21  No. 11  pp. 207-215


The aim of the article is to study the role of informal institutions in the development of the financial services market. The study outlines the concepts of scholars to identify the main types of informal institutions. The mechanism of research of influence of the informal factor on functioning of economic object is developed. The main types of informal institutions are systematized. The main informal institutions influencing the development of the financial services market are considered. The application of a synergetic approach to the consideration of the impact of the institution of trust on the financial services market is proposed.


informal institution; institutionalism; financial service; economic mentality; economic behavior.