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E-Safety Awareness of Saudi Youths: A Comparative Study and Recommendations


Nawaf F Alharbi , Dr Ben Soh, Dr Mohammed A AlZain , Mawaddah F Alharbi


Vol. 21  No. 11  pp. 181-188


The use of the internet has become a basic need for many across the globe. The situation is very much the same for the youth in many countries like Saudi Arabia who have grown up surrounded and accessing the internet. This demographic, however, is at an increased risk of falling as victims to cybercrime because of a low level of technical awareness. This review looks at the level of technical awareness of internet use in 3 different countries which include the USA, South Africa, and New Zealand. The review will compare the situation in these nations with those in KSA. Based on the review and comparisons, recommendations are made for culturally and socially acceptable e-Safety awareness of Saudi youths.


E-Safety Awareness, Comaprative Study, cyber-security threat awareness.