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Effects of Flipped Classroom Strategy on Students¡¯ Achievements in the Computer and Information Technology Course and Their Attitudes Towards It


Ali Suwayid Alqarni¢Ó


Vol. 21  No. 11  pp. 157-164


This endeavor is an attempt to explore the effect of flipped classroom strategy (FCS) on (a) academic achievement in the computer and information technology course and (b) students¡¯ attitudes towards this strategy. The sample of the study consisted of 64 students, divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. Two instruments were used to collect the data: a test and a questionnaire. The test was used to measure the students¡¯ achievement and the questionnaire to measure their attitudes towards the FCS. The results show statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 in support of the experimental group at all Bloom¡¯s levels. Similarly, students¡¯ positive attitude towards the FCS was evident. Therefore, expanding this strategy in different courses is highly recommended because it positively impacts students' achievements. Organizing workshops and designing courses that encourage teachers to implement the strategy in the classroom and develop their technical skills are also recommended.


blended learning, modern teaching strategies, educational videos, computer teaching, flipped classroom (FC)