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Management of Attracting Investment Resources of Enterprises
to Ensure Their Economic Security in Circular Economy
Anna Pohrebniak, Olena Arefieva, Kateryna Boiarynova, Serhii Arefiev, Volodymyr Davydenko
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 10 pp. 302-309
The article substantiates the principles of managing the attraction of investment resources of enterprises to ensure their economic security in circular economy. It is proved that increasing the efficiency of investment resources management of the enterprise makes it possible to ensure their economic security in a competitive environment by expanding, upgrading, innovative re-equipment of production facilities, expansion or diversification of production. Management of investment resources in the enterprise provides an opportunity to justify the balance and the possibility of attracting endogenous or exogenous investment resources while ensuring economic security in circular economy. Endogenous sources of investment resources include endogenous investments of internal and external origin. Since their own investment resources often cannot fully meet the investment needs of enterprises, there is a need to attract investment resources from exogenous sources. Investment resources of exogenous sources are divided into attracted and budget allocations. The advantages and disadvantages of attracting endogenous and exogenous investment resources are highlighted. The stages of management of investment resources of the enterprise for investments of endogenous and exogenous origin are substantiated.
investment resources; circular economy; economic security; competitiveness of enterprises.