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World and Domestic Trends in The Development of The Education System: Systemic Challenges


Oleksandr Kobernyk, Yaroslav Kichuk, Mykaylo Kosylo, Vitaliy Lisitsin, Myroslava Filipovych, Tetiana Chernytska


Vol. 21  No. 10  pp. 271-275


The article identifies the challenges of the socio-economic development of the region, manifested in the implementation of large investment projects of the country, the needs of the industrial complex in highly qualified personnel; the formation of the innovative potential of both the subjects of the education system and the system itself and, as a result, - innovative abilities of the inhabitants of the region; launching mechanisms for the formation of human and social capital, which is the basis of the economic leadership of the territory; implementation of scientific and educational and innovative potential of educational organizations.


communication technologies, professional competence, higher education, teaching technology