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Information Specialists' Use of Open-Source Software in Saudi Universities


Dr. Yaser Mohammad Mohammad Al Sawy


Vol. 21  No. 10  pp. 184-190


The study aimed to identify open-source software available in libraries and information centers by identifying the most important types of integrated automated systems in open-source libraries and repositories in addition to open-source archive systems. The researcher was keen to use the survey method to identify many types of open-source software that are applied in libraries and information centers, and the study also followed the analytical approach through various sources to analyze and study the available open-source software, and the study reached specific and clear results stating that open-source software is one of the most important systems that must be relied upon and used due to its free The use and comprehensiveness of working with it by all beneficiaries, in addition to the high reliability of the quality of that software, and its provision of many solutions that facilitate the processes of storing, retrieving and disseminating information, in addition to its conformity with other programs in programming language and design and performance integration. To work either on the scale of integrated library management systems, or as warehouses Digital for storing, retrieving, and disseminating information, or as a format for preserving data, including information, photos, and documents in the form of electronic archive systems.


Open-source software; Open-source software for libraries; Library Integrated systems; Open-source Repository; Open-source Archive systems.