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The Effect of Microlearning on Programing Skill Enhancements and Learning Motivation among the Secondary School Students
Ali Suwayid Alqarni
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 10 pp. 168-176
This study intends to uncover the effects of microlearning (ML) on programing skill development as well as its impact on the learning motivation among high school students in Jeddah. The sample of the study consisted of seventy-eight students. Forty students were assigned to the control groups and thirty-eight students to the experimental group. The semi-experimental research design was adopted to answer the research questions. Data were collected via two tools: an observational form that includes a set of programing skills and a learning motivation scale. Besides, appropriate technical tools (e.g. Screencast-o-Matic) were used to create the digital content and deliver it to the learners. Findings showed that microlearning contributed to development of the learners¡¯ programing skills. It also increased their motivation to learn. Based on the findings, the researcher put forwards some recommendations for improving the learning environment and boosting the learners¡¯ motivation through microlearning in public or university educational settings. To extrapolate ML to some other uses, it is recommended for particular educational purposes, such as mastering specific skills, not merely the cognitive skills.
Computers, educational technologies, e-learning, teaching strategies