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Security performance In Online Education systems in Saudi Arabia


Ahmed S. AlGhamdi


Vol. 21  No. 10  pp. 149-155


Due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally and the transformation of traditional education into virtual education to reduce human contact and maintain social distancing, the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to solve the problem through distance education using a blackboard. For universities, colleges and Madrasati platform for all school categories. This search aims to identify weaknesses in e-learning platforms and discuss possible solutions to avoid them; the focus will be on the problem of unauthorized access. The percentage change in the percentage increase in the percentage increase in the area. The central issue of e-learning is that students can learn science courses in addition to sharing data. Viewpoint and contact in IS, study destination, international migration and other destination, network and international network. This virtual learning can help students develop new capabilities. This project explicitly centred around security and protection worries as the significant issues limiting understudy commitment. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally and the transformation of traditional education into virtual education to reduce human contact and maintain social distancing, the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to solve the problem through distance education using a blackboard. For universities, colleges and Madrasati platform for all school categories. This search aims to identify weaknesses in e-learning platforms and discuss possible solutions to avoid them. The focus will be on the problem of unauthorized access. The percentage change in the percentage increase in the percentage increase in the area. The central issue of e-learning is that students can learn science courses in addition to sharing data. Viewpoint and contact in IS, study destination, international migration and other destination, network and international network. This virtual learning can help students develop new capabilities. This paper explicitly centred around security and protection worries as the significant issues limiting understudy commitment.


Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, Madrasati platform, OTP authentication