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Cybercrime In Ukraine: Methods Of Investigation And Ways To Improve Them


Andrii Cherniak, Mykola Karpenko, Ruslan Chorny, Andrii Prozorov, Leonid Shcherbyna


Vol. 21  No. 10  pp. 107-110


A number of problems that really threaten the investigation of cybercrime in modern conditions are analyzed. The most common types of opposition to the investigation of such crimes by law enforcement agencies, which are manifested in various types and forms, are described. The need to overcome opposition to the investigation of cybercrimes is argued. The main directions of the fight against overcoming the investigation of cybercrime and illegal activities of stakeholders, which is aimed at concealing the detection of crimes and their investigation, are considered. The issue of the quality of cybercrime investigation in Ukraine by analyzing the legal framework for the quality of regulation of legal relations in this area is considered, the list of methods and means used to form the evidence base is outlined.


: cybercrime, investigative actions, place and time of cybercrime, examination, information technologies