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Current Trends in the Development of the Credit Services Market of the European Union
Maksym Dubyna, Artur Zhavoronok, Kateryna Nitchenko, Iryna Sadchykova, Natalia Chiipesh, Iryna Murashkovska
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 10 pp. 59-66
In the article, the world experience of the credit services market of the European Union on the basis of scientific sources and statistical data is analyzed. In particular, the general dynamics of the number of credit institutions was first analyzed, a detailed analysis of the number of credit institutions, issued loans, an analysis of lending to individuals and legal entities in the European Union were studied. The banking sector of the European Union is also analyzed separately, namely the number of banking institutions, interest rates on loans by country, the average interest rate on loans in Europe, the amount of loans and their percentage distribution by the type of total share. Conclusions are made on the basis of researches on the reasons of changes of indicators and the basic tendencies of the development of the credit services market of the countries of the European Union are considered.
credit market, monetary policy, world financial system, credit relations, household savings.