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C-Engineering Based Industry 4.0 Innovation Networks Sustainable Development


Vitaliy Omelyanenko, Oksana Braslavska, Nataliia Biloshkurska, Mykola Biloshkursky, Natalia Kliasen, and Olena Omelyanenko


Vol. 21  No. 9  pp. 267-274


The article deals with problems of innovation development on a network basis, which require effective mechanisms of innovation communications. In research the organizational aspects of ICT infrastructure development for innovation networks sustainable development based on cooperative marketing principles is considered. The proposed research idea is based on the idea that ICT implementation is based not only on the operational approach for innovation management as a factor of efficiency of internal communications, but also on knowledge economy and post-industrial economy trends. Therefore, the purpose of study is to develop an ICT model of innovation infrastructure to improve its effectiveness (strategic character) and efficiency (operative character) through increasing the efficiency of network communication interactions. Creation of information space and communication tools to support innovation network sustainable development and cooperation activities in research is proposed to be solved with the help of specialized ICT platform. It is shown, that ICT platform of innovation cooperation innovation network is important tool for common work of participants. ICT platform is considered as an integrated information system designed to automate business processes related to the sustainable development of innovation network, segment management and integration with HEI information systems and industrial cooperation. The main factors that determine the need to use a special ICT platform for innovation network cooperation were considered. The main issues of concurrent engineering (C-technology) application in high-technology industries and innovation cooperation for integrated product development were studied.


Innovations, Technology Transfer, C-Technology, ICT, Strategy, Industry 4.0 Innovation Networks.