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Sentiment Analysis From Images - Comparative Study of SAI-G and SAI-C Models¡¯ Performances Using AutoML Vision Service from Google Cloud and Clarifai Platform


Daniela Marcu and Mirela Danubianu


Vol. 21  No. 9  pp. 179-184


In our study we performed a sentiments analysis from the images. For this purpose, we used 153 images that contain: people, animals, buildings, landscapes, cakes and objects that we divided into two categories: images that suggesting a positive or a negative emotion. In order to classify the images using the two categories, we created two models. The SAI-G model was created with Google's AutoML Vision service. The SAI-C model was created on the Clarifai platform. The data were labeled in a preprocessing stage, and for the SAI-C model we created the concepts POSITIVE (POZITIV) AND NEGATIVE (NEGATIV). In order to evaluate the performances of the two models, we used a series of evaluation metrics such as: Precision, Recall, ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve, Precision-Recall curve, Confusion Matrix, Accuracy Score and Average precision. Precision and Recall for the SAI-G model is 0.875, at a confidence threshold of 0.5, while for the SAI-C model we obtained much lower scores, respectively Precision = 0.727 and Recall = 0.571 for the same confidence threshold. The results indicate a lower classification performance of the SAI-C model compared to the SAI-G model. The exception is the value of Precision for the POSITIVE concept, which is 1,000.


Sentiments analysis from images, convolutional neural network.