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Formation of a Competitive Paradigm of Ensuring Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises in the Conditions of Formation of Circular Economy


Anna Pohrebniak, Tetiana Tkachenko, Olena Arefieva, Karpenko Oksana, Anton Chub


Vol. 21  No. 9  pp. 118-124


The article examines the formation of a competitive paradigm of economic security of industrial enterprises in the formation of a circular economy. The basic laws of industrial enterprises are formed, which determined the characteristics of competitive positions and threats. The basic competitive concepts and their application at maintenance of economic safety of the industrial enterprises in the conditions of formation of circular economy are described. Thus, the technological approach to the formation of a competitive paradigm is based on production technologies, opportunities for technological modernization and development of infrastructure and intellectual competencies. The institutional concept reveals the regulatory mechanisms for ensuring competitiveness through the protectionism of national industrial enterprises, standardization and regulation of market imbalances. The innovation-investment approach within the competitive paradigm is also manifested in the creation of competitive advantages due to the presence of active innovative developments and their commercialization, knowledge and competencies of staff, capitalization of intelligence and communications, constant updating of infrastructure and technologies. Collectively, innovation and investment effects on the level of economic security allow industrial enterprises to ensure resilience to increasing competition, the emergence of new market challenges in the formation of a circular economy. A strategic approach to the application of a competitive paradigm to ensure the economic security of industrial enterprises allows you to justify the prospects for development and design behavioral models to predict and assess potential threats. The concept of system management is based on the complexity of threat analysis, the integrity of the economic security system, system-forming functions and patterns of implementation of industrial development tasks in the formation of a circular economy. The application of the described concepts is formalized by the authors through the definition of the basic patterns, directions and characteristics of their impact on the elements of the security system of industrial enterprises in the formation of a circular economy.


competitive paradigm; economic security; industrial enterprises; economic development; circular economy.