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Maritime Navigation Systems: Role And Place In The Safety Of Navigation


Valeriy Tkachenko, Olha Voloshyna, ¬°leksandr Marukhnenko, Mykola Slobodanyuk, Volodymyr Zharikov, Sergiy Yatsenko


Vol. 21  No. 9  pp. 86-90


The article assesses the level of navigation safety, in theoretical terms, defines the complexity of managing navigational risks in practice. The issues of assessing the navigational safety have been studied due to the importance and relevance of the issue in question, however, due to the great complexity of the problem under consideration, the article considers and indicates the directions for the development of the solution of the given direction, where, first of all, it became necessary to analyze the issue of assessing the levels of navigation risks when navigating vessels of various types in difficult navigation conditions.


navigational safety, seafaring safety, navigation, sea.