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Reducing Cybersecurity Risks in Cloud Computing Using A Distributed Key Mechanism


Saleh M. Altowaijri


Vol. 21  No. 9  pp. 1-10


The Internet of things (IoT) is the main advancement in data processing and communication technologies. In IoT, intelligent devices play an exciting role in wireless communication. Although, sensor nodes are low-cost devices for communication and data gathering. However, sensor nodes are more vulnerable to different security threats because these nodes have continuous access to the internet. Therefore, the multiparty security credential-based key generation mechanism provides effective security against several attacks. The key generation-based methods are implemented at sensor nodes, edge nodes, and also at server nodes for secure communication. The main challenging issue in a collaborative key generation scheme is the extensive multiplication. When the number of parties increased the multiplications are more complex. Thus, the computational cost of batch key and multiparty key-based schemes is high. This paper presents a Secure Multipart Key Distribution scheme (SMKD) that provides secure communication among the nodes by generating a multiparty secure key for communication. In this paper, we provide node authentication and session key generation mechanism among mobile nodes, head nodes, and trusted servers. We analyzed the achievements of the SMKD scheme against SPPDA, PPDAS, and PFDA schemes. Thus, the simulation environment is established by employing an NS 2. Simulation results prove that the performance of SMKD is better in terms of communication cost, computational cost, and energy consumption.


IoT, Cloud Computing, Multiparty Key, Secure Communication, Key Establishment, Security.