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Towards Integrating the Knowledge Management Mechanisms to Employ Innovation Factors within Universities: Critical Appraisal Study


Hassan Awad M. Alsereihy & Meshal Hesham Harasani


Vol. 21  No. 8  pp. 327-341


The knowledge management was considered as the inevitable result of the rule of knowledge in this era, and its importance became clear in being the main source for achieving success, the need to consider and manage knowledge as an independent field that must be addressed with a clear scientific methodology has become intangible - they are very valuable and a strategic asset. On the other hand, the innovation process relates to all parts of the organization, and helps to improve the behavioral patterns of individuals and their attitudes towards adopting modern and innovative ideas, it is a purposeful process adopted by the senior management and works to provide the capabilities and requirements for embodying the innovative behavior in it. In the field of dealing with the market, it is a product of the organization's innovative approach, which aims at advancement, change, and intended and organized renewal. The main objective of this article is to determine the most appropriate ways to integrate knowledge management mechanisms to employ innovation factors within universities based on the role of universities in supporting innovation. This was achieved through reviewing many relevant research and listing the most prominent concepts of knowledge management, its importance, objectives, and processes determining the stages of knowledge management application, the requirements for applying knowledge management, and the obstacles that impede its application; Then the statement ""Innovation in universities, through which it addressed the concept of innovation, its importance, stages, and requirements for its application, as well as identifying the most prominent models of innovation, and obstacles to innovation, in addition to that the role of universities in supporting innovation will be identified. From the surveyed study done in this article, we concluded that the relationship among organizational culture, knowledge management and innovation capability can provide useful insights for managers regarding developing a strong culture, promote knowledge management practices effectively and eventually enhance the whole organization¡¯s innovation capability. Also, we found that different components of Knowledge Management as Knowledge activities, Knowledge types, transformation of knowledge and technology have a significant positive effect in bringing innovation through transformation of knowledge into knowledge assets in universities.


Knowledge Management ¡°KM¡±, Innovation, knowledge creation, knowledge Obstacles and University Innovation