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COVID-19 Prediction model using Machine Learning


Amr Jadi


Vol. 21  No. 8  pp. 247-253


The outbreak of the deadly virus COVID-19 is said to infect 17.3Cr people around the globe since 2019. This outbreak is continuously affecting a lot of new people till this day and, most of it is said to under control. However, vaccines introduced around the world can help mitigate the risk of the virus. Apart from medical professionals, prediction models are also said to combinedly help predict the risk of infection based on given datasets. This paper is based on publication of a machine learning approach using regression models to predict the output based on dataset which have indictors grouped based on active, tested, recovered and critical cases along with regions and cities covering most of it from Dubai. Hence, the active cases are tested based on the other indicators and other attributes. The coefficient of the determination (r2) is 0.96, which is considered promising. This model can be used as an frame work, among others, to predict the resources related to the dangerous outbreak.


COVID-19, Linear Regression, Machine Learning, Saudi Arabia.